Tag Equipment & Supplies

NMT Handheld Multishot Tag Injector

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  • Coleções: North Marine Technologies, Tag Equipment & Supplies

    Vendedor: Northwest Marine Technology

    Product Dimensions: 2 x 2 x 11 in.

    Product Weight: 12 oz. (Only Device)

    Shipping Weight: 6.0 lb

    This product is sold by BIOWEB in America countries, but if you are in United States or Canada please contact the vendor Northwest Marine Technology directly.

    The Handheld Multishot Tag Injector is a small, portable hand-operated field injector for Coded Wire Tags (CWT). It is intended for situations where small to medium numbers of animals are to be marked, for example on field surveys or limited-scale hatchery programmes. It is designed for tagging batches of hundreds or a few thousand animals. It is not intended as a replacement for the Mark IV which is the tool of choice where tens of thousands or more animals have to be tagged at one time.

    The Multishot can also be useful for tagging larger fish, where positioning them for tagging with a MarK IV would be difficult. It is suitable for use in freshwater and saltwater environments as long as it is cleaned daily.

    The Multishot uses the same spools of tag wire as the MarK IV. It cuts and injects individual tags as they are used. It can be used for standard, 1.5 length, double length, and sequential CWT, but cannot be used for half-length tags. A Wand Detector or V-Detector is generally used alongside the Multishot to check each animal for the presence of a tag for quality control. The injector is fitted with an electronic cycle counter.

    The Multishot can be used with either a head mold for snout tagging of salmonids and other species, or with a needle support tube for tagging in other body locations in a wide range of species. Among the many species successfully tagged using a Multishot are salmon, trout, snapper, crabs and lobsters. Tagging rates will depend upon the species and size of animals being tagged, and on the facilities available at the site, but rates of several hundreds of animals per hour can be achieved.

    A field kit containing the most commonly needed spare and replacement parts is available as an accessory. This is strongly recommended for all situations where a break in the tagging program for repairs would be problematic.

    This device is also available for rental into United States.