Wildlife Supply Company®, founded in 1938 in Saginaw, Michigan by Dr. Herbert Trippensee, was a pioneer in the environmental sampling industry. Over the years, the company earned a reputation among universities and government agencies for selling quality, reliable environmental sampling equipment.
In 2000, the company was acquired by Science First® under the Wildco® brand name. Established in 1960 in Buffalo, New York, Science First® is a renowned manufacturer of science products for the education industry.
$ 52.80 USD
A simple design of surprising accuracy commonly used for counting larger plankton. Recommended for its ease of use and reproducible data. Intended for use with either a standard or inverted compound microscope at low magnifications, it limits magnification to about 200 x, which makes it unsuited to examining nannoplankton.
Sedgewick-Rafter cover glass sold in a pack of twelve units.
Celda de Conteo Sedgewick-Rafter, Bronce, 1.0 ml
$ 54.50 USD
The original classic device is the perfect size to hold a small volume of sample - about 6 ml. The shape and configuration of the shallow, etched groove (1/8" deep and 3/16" thick) help locate specific areas on the chamber.
With guidance from John Gannon of the Great Lakes Lab in Windsor, Ontario, Wildlife Supply (TM) has developed the definitive low-cost apparatus for enumerating zooplankton micro-crustacea. The modified device is the perfect size to hold a large volume of sample - about 39 ml, in fact. The shape and configuration of the shallow, also etched groove (1/2" deep and 3/8" thick) help locate specific areas on the chamber.
A compact 3-1/2" by 4-1/2" in size, it slips easily under a dissecting microscope. Straight sides mean you don't have to focus up and down. Rounded edges prevent specimens from catching.
Cámara Bogorov, Desechable, en Acrílico x 2 u.
$ 101.95 USD
An easy, quick method for sub-sampling plankton samples. Wide bore pipettes are ideal for accurately...
$ 255.00 USD
This is a NON-RETURNABLE ITEM. See Terms & Conditions for more info. You will be...
$ 20.45 USD
Check the new B•Tools Insect Aspirator! This widely used aspirator fits easily into a pocket, and...
$ 229.95 USD
Ideal for horizontal or vertical tows in fresh or salt water. The larger size is good for salt water and the smaller for clear lakes. Attach a 1/8” line to the top and tow slowly, regulating depth by speed. For horizontal sampling, attach the line weight lead part number 426-E50.
Turtox Tow Net, phytoplankton net, zooplankton net, zooplankton nets, phytoplankton nets, Redes de Arrastre Turtox, redes para fitoplacton, red para fitoplacton, redes para zooplacton, red para zooplacton
$ 532.41 USD
Intended for shallow or deep waters, these bottles are called “horizontal” because they descend, parallel to the bottom. They are pulled sideways just before closing by the operator. This ensures a representative water sample for that specific depth. They are ideal for sampling at the thermocline, at other stratification levels, or just above the bottom sediments. These popular and versatile bottles come in your choice of transparent acrylic or opaque PVC. PVC is more durable and less costly, but the acrylic allows you to view the bottle contents immediately.
When running metal, organic, or any other chemical analyses, it is best to run a blank on the sampler prior to use.
Alpha samplers are not suitable for chemical analysis of contents due to the potential for contamination (i.e. by mercury and phosphorus) by the materials in the sampler’s construction. For chemical analysis, choose our Beta or suggested Kemmerer water samplers.
Beta bottles are excellent for near off-shore (to 200 m) trace metal sampling, since there are no metal parts to touch your sample. You avoid the metallic ion contamination that can cause major errors in algal assays or productivity. Beta™ Van Dorn bottles have rigid, white plastic end seals for clean sealing. The bottle ends are machined to fit foam silicone gaskets. Amber latex tubing, which does not leach measurable amounts of metal, closes the bottle. Beta™ bottles feature a nylon safety line connecting the end seals, so if the closing tube breaks, you’re less likely to lose your expensive seals. This is why Beta™ bottles have an excellent track record in a wide variety of field conditions.
This sampler requires a messenger and line (included in kits) for operation. A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic bottles.
NOTE: Volume may vary slightly. It is recommended that you verify the exact volume of your bottle prior to use.
Muestreador de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreador de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Alpha Bottles, Alpha Water Sampler, Horizontal PVC
$ 733.00 USD
Intended for shallow or deep waters, these bottles are called “horizontal” because they descend, parallel to the bottom. They are pulled sideways just before closing by the operator. This ensures a representative water sample for that specific depth. They are ideal for sampling at the thermocline, at other stratification levels, or just above the bottom sediments. These popular and versatile bottles come in your choice of transparent acrylic or opaque PVC. PVC is more durable and less costly, but the acrylic allows you to view the bottle contents immediately.
Alpha samplers are not suitable for chemical analysis of contents due to the potential for contamination (i.e. by mercury and phosphorus) by the materials in the sampler's construction. For chemical analysis, choose our Beta or suggested Kemmerer water samplers.
This sampler requires a messenger and line (included in kits) for operation. A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic Alpha bottles.
NOTE: Volume may vary slightly. It is recommended that you verify the exact volume of your bottle prior to use.
Muestreador de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreador de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Alpha Bottles, Alpha Water Sampler, Horizontal PVC
$ 582.50 USD
Alpha™ Van Dorn-style bottles have flexible, plunger-like blue polyurethane end seals for reliable sealing. Black latex tubing is used to close the bottle because it better resists decay in sunlight and in water than amber tubing. It is an extremely strong elastic material but may leach a small amount of heavy metals or other contaminants. The end seals may leach trace amounts of mercury into the water sample in the range of 20 - 450 ng/L (nanograms per liter). End seals may also leach phosphorus in small amounts.
When tripped by a messenger, the urethane end seals snap tightly onto each end of the cylinder, producing an almost leakproof seal. A small amount of sample is always lost until a slight vacuum forms inside as the sealed sampler is lifted. Alpha™ bottles feature a stainless steel trip head for durability and high performance. Nylon safety line connects the end seals to hold them in place even if the latex tubing breaks.
Use vertical bottles in mildly corrosive water, marine water and water with large amounts of suspended solids or adhesive colloidal solids to collect plankton and floating sediments. The wide mouth collects a true water sample with no contamination from other water levels. During descent, the open mouth does not restrict water flow. This makes them particularly suitable for collecting plankton, floating sediments and for use where metallic ion avoidance is desirable. Your choice of transparent acrylic or more durable opaque PVC.
Alpha samplers are not suitable for trace metal analysis due to the potential for contamination (i.e. mercury and phosphorus) by the materials in the sampler’s end seals. For trace metal analysis, choose the beta bottle water samplers.
A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic alpha bottles.
NOTE: Volume may vary slightly. It is recommended that you verify the exact volume of your bottle prior to use.
Muestreador de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreador de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Alpha Bottles, Alpha Water Sampler, Horizontal PVC
$ 30.00 USD
Need to determine how clear the water is? Measure the turbidity or degree of visibility of the water you’re testing with the limnological secchi disc. Results are meaningless if they’re not repeatable and can’t be compared.
The sturdy plastic Secchi disc handily meets industry standards. It is 200 mm in diameter (7-7/8”) and has four quadrants, two white and two black. It is included 20 meters of 1/8” diameter line on a styrofoam form that will float if dropped in the water. Plus instructions that are written at a basic level.
Most scientists use a Secchi disc to determine the index of suspended matter in the water. The smaller the index - say, five feet - the more suspended material there is. The water is, obviously, less transparent, with a lower degree of visibility.
You can also use a Secchi disc to measure the depth of light penetration and can derive a rough estimate of the extent of the littoral zone.
Please note that this unit is designed for occasional student use only and is not meant to replace the professional Secchi discs.
Disco Secchi Limnológico Fieldmaster Student
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One of the best quantitative samplers for benthic invertebrates. Designed for shallow flowing rivers of...
$ 449.30 USD
Water sampler only require a messenger (3-45-B10) and line (3-62-C15) for operation. SOLD SEPARATELY (here...
$ 310.00 USD
Do you need to make quick, accurate fish measurements in the field or laboratory? This...
$ 91.25 USD
Similar to the Sedgewick Rafter but specifically intended for nannoplankton. The shallow depth of the...
$ 56.95 USD – Sold Out
Check the great Check-It Stick fish measuring boards! A smaller, more transportable version of our...
$ 345.00 USD
One of the best quantitative samplers for benthic invertebrates. Designed for shallow flowing rivers of...
$ 611.50 USD
Intended for shallow or deep waters, these bottles are called “horizontal” because they descend, parallel to the bottom. They are pulled sideways just before closing by the operator, which ensures a representative water sample for that specific depth. They are ideal for sampling at the thermocline, at other stratification levels, or just above the bottom sediments. These popular and versatile bottles come in your choice of transparent acrylic or opaque PVC. PVC is more durable and less costly, but the acrylic allows you to view the bottle contents immediately.
Designed for trace metal sampling. Also may be used for organic sampling to concentrations of mg/L. When running metal, organic, or any other chemical analyses, it is best to run a blank on the sampler prior to use.
This bottle is excellent for near off-shore (to 200 m) trace metal sampling, since there are no metal parts to touch your sample. You avoid the metallic ion contamination that can cause major errors in algal assays or productivity. Beta Van Dorn bottles have rigid, white plastic end seals for clean sealing. The bottle ends are machined to fit foam silicone gaskets. Amber latex tubing, which does not leach measurable amounts of metal, closes the bottle. Beta™ bottles feature a nylon safety line connecting the end seals, so if the closing tube breaks, you’re less likely to lose your expensive seals. This is why Beta bottles have an excellent track record in a wide variety of field conditions.
This sampler requires a messenger and line (included in kits) for operation. It is not suitable for series sampling. A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic Beta bottles.
NOTE: Volume may vary slightly. It is recommended that you verify the exact volume of your bottle prior to use.
Muestreador de Agua Beta Plus Vertical en Acrílico
$ 205.00 USD
Designed for open and lightly weeded areas where you need the protection of a canvas...
$ 180.00 USD
Designed for open and lightly weeded areas where you need the protection of a canvas...
$ 580.00 USD
Larger bottles are good for collecting small plankton. The wide-open mouth collects a true water sample with no contamination from other water levels. Water flow is not restricted during descent - desirable for collecting plankton, floating sediments and for metallic ion avoidance. Your choice of transparent acrylic or more durable opaque PVC.
Designed for trace metal sampling. Also may be used for organic sampling to concentrations of mg/L. When running metal, organic, or any other chemical analyses, it is best to run a blank on the sampler prior to use.
This bottle is excellent for near off-shore (to 200 m) trace metal sampling, since there are no metal parts to touch your sample. You avoid the metallic ion contamination that can cause major errors in algal assays or productivity. Beta Van Dorn bottles have rigid, white plastic end seals for clean sealing. The bottle ends are machined to fit foam silicone gaskets. Amber latex tubing, which does not leach measurable amounts of metal, closes the bottle. Beta™ bottles feature a nylon safety line connecting the end seals, so if the closing tube breaks, you’re less likely to lose your expensive seals. This is why Beta bottles have an excellent track record in a wide variety of field conditions.
This sampler requires a messenger and line (included in kits) for operation. It is not suitable for series sampling. A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic Beta bottles.
Muestreador de Agua Beta Plus Vertical en Acrílico
$ 502.00 USD
This is the grab to choose for soft, finely divided littoral bottoms that are free from vegetation, such as sticks and decayed leaves (or with short, erect vegetation only) as well as intermixtures of sand, stones and other coarse debris. The specialized function of this dredge is the taking of quantitative and qualitative samples of macroscopic bottom fauna to determine the productivity of soft bottoms, particularly those composed of finely divided muck, mud, ooze, submerged marl and fine peaty materials. Versatile and durable, it is suited for preliminary as well as more precise observation. It is not recommended for rocky or sandy bottoms or moderate macrophyte growth because small pebbles or macrophyte stems prevent proper jaw closure.
Two thin, hinged overlapping lids on top open during descent to let water pass through. They close during retrieval and are held shut by water pressure to reduce washout. The closing springs easily unhook from their loaded position for safe handling during transportation and storage.
An important and distinguishing feature of the Wildco design is the messenger-operated Twin-pin scoop release mechanism. This release is very reliable, has few working parts and is the best of its type in the field.To operate, attach to a line and pass through the trip mechanism. Set the springs over the knobs and pull the jaws completely apart. Lower the dredge till it rests on the bottom and send a messenger down the line, allowing the springs to close the scoops.
Dragas Ekman
Dredge, Dredges, Draga
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Master the Waters The Ultimate D-Frame Dip Net for Precision Sampling Designed specifically for open...
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This 180 cm Fishing Cast Net | ⏛ 3/8" is excellent for sampling fish in...
$ 329.18 USD
A popular and versatile net. The anterior reducing cone makes filtration more efficient than a...
$ 1,500.25 USD
The top-of-the-line Fluoropolymer (PTFE) Kemmerer sampler is available only from Wildlife Supply Company! Includes 1.2...
$ 240.95 USD
A scaled down version of our world-renowned Wildco® grabs. For hand line operation. Center pivot...
$ 798.00 USD
Handle allows use in shallow water or by divers. Attach line to Clevis when taking...
$ 449.00 USD
Intended for shallow or deep waters, these bottles are called “horizontal” because they descend, parallel to the bottom. They are pulled sideways just before closing by the operator. This ensures a representative water sample for that specific depth. They are ideal for sampling at the thermocline, at other stratification levels, or just above the bottom sediments. These popular and versatile bottles come in your choice of transparent acrylic or opaque PVC. PVC is more durable and less costly, but the acrylic allows you to view the bottle contents immediately.
Alpha samplers are not suitable for chemical analysis of contents due to the potential for contamination (i.e. by mercury and phosphorus) by the materials in the sampler’s construction. For chemical analysis, choose our Beta or suggested Kemmerer water samplers.
This sampler requires a messenger and line (included in kits) for operation. A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic Alpha bottles.
NOTE: Volume may vary slightly. It is recommended that you verify the exact volume of your bottle prior to use.
Muestreador de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alfa Horizontal en PVC, Muestreador de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Muestreadores de Agua Alpha Horizontal en PVC, Alpha Bottles, Alpha Water Sampler, Horizontal PVC
$ 540.00 USD
Larger bottles are good for collecting small plankton. The wide-open mouth collects a true water sample with no contamination from other water levels. Water flow is not restricted during descent - desirable for collecting plankton, floating sediments and for metallic ion avoidance. Your choice of transparent acrylic or more durable opaque PVC.
Designed for trace metal sampling. Also may be used for organic sampling to concentrations of mg/L. When running metal, organic, or any other chemical analyses, it is best to run a blank on the sampler prior to use.
This bottle is excellent for near off-shore (to 200 m) trace metal sampling, since there are no metal parts to touch your sample. You avoid the metallic ion contamination that can cause major errors in algal assays or productivity. Beta Van Dorn bottles have rigid, white plastic end seals for clean sealing. The bottle ends are machined to fit foam silicone gaskets. Amber latex tubing, which does not leach measurable amounts of metal, closes the bottle. Beta™ bottles feature a nylon safety line connecting the end seals, so if the closing tube breaks, you’re less likely to lose your expensive seals. This is why Beta bottles have an excellent track record in a wide variety of field conditions.
This sampler requires a messenger and line (included in kits) for operation. It is not suitable for series sampling. A thermometer can be mounted inside acrylic Beta bottles.
Muestreador de Agua Beta Plus Vertical en PVC